Spiritual Exercises

Filled with the Spirit, Mary guided the early disciples to receive God’s liberating work and prepared them for the Risen Lord. Rooted in Israel's spiritual tradition, she led them in prayer after Christ’s Ascension, helping transform their fear into missionary zeal. Mary at the cenacle, continues to inspire us to be formed in prayer by the Spirit, growing in discipleship and meeting the challenges of today’s world. Her presence in prayer is a defining mark of our Congregation's spirituality.

Traditional Marian devotions:

· On Saturdays, Marian Feast days, and at the close of gatherings, we conclude with a hymn to Mary, offering Arati with flowers or incense as a gesture of devotion.

· Once a week, alongside Christ's Passion, we honour Mary's Sorrows by praying either the Rosary of the Mother of Sorrows or the Via Matris together as a community.

· The sixth Friday in Lent honours the Mother of Sorrows, reflecting on her suffering and God's redemptive work. For our Congregation, it marks the 1857 vesting of the first five mothers. Our communities observe this day with prayer and reflection, connecting past sacrifices with ongoing spiritual growth.

· Holy Saturday honours the Mother of Sorrows and reflects on Mary's suffering. Communities celebrate the Hour of Mary at a convenient time. We observe silence from Maundy Thursday until the Easter Vigil to deeply prepare for Easter's joy.


Faithful to our tradition, we celebrate as solemnities the feasts of our Mother of Sorrows, St. Joseph, Seven Holy Founders, St. Juliana and all Saints of the Order. We also celebrate with special devotion and festivity the principal liturgical feasts of Our Lady and the feasts of Saints of the Order.

Marian feasts celebrated with prior preparation.

Apart From the Marian feast mentioned above. The following feast are celebrated in our congregation.


We honour our departed sister by seeking the Lord’s mercy and showing our sisterly love. At her burial, her community and neighbours gather for prayers and the Eucharist. Annually, on November 17th, we remember all deceased members of the Servite family, reflecting on their lives and legacy.