Pastoral Ministry

Through education and pastoral work, the pioneer members of our Congregation made a tremendous impact on the society. While we take up new forms of apostolates according to the need of the times and people, the above two continue to be the main apostolic works of the Congregation.

  • Mary who nurtured the infant Church as she nurtured Jesus in his childhood is our inspiration in our pastoral work.

  • Through pastoral work we aim at building up the parish community along the lines given by the Ecclesiology of Vatican Council Il and post conciliar documents. We help our people to be in touch with the recent growth in theological and missiological knowledge.

  • Our catechesis is geared to the all-round development of the Christian person. We keep in mind that our Christian people have to live their faith meaningfully in a very fast developing world. We plan and act in such a way that preparation for marriage includes the duty of couples towards responsible parenthood, and the dignity of woman as an equal partner in marriage and the duty of man as an equal partner in child rearing.

  • We are zealous in leading pious associations. We use them as a training ground for knowledgeable and committed lay Christians who are deeply rooted in faith. The importance of the role of laity in the Church is highlighted and made practical in the local Church through these associations.